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tv   The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann  RT  December 9, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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the. coming up on r t major tech companies like google and facebook are demanding restrictions on u.s. government surveillance programs but while tech titans take on government giants it looks like the n.s.a. is dabbling in fantasy spying on world of warcraft players details that the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms is targeting and is the target of an investigation this month news reports reveal agents took advantage of mentally disabled men for sting operations only to have them face jail time after work we'll tell you more about this abuse of practice coming up and u.s. soldiers return from war to enter a new field of battle as the veterans administration continues to prescribe that painkillers vets are getting hooked on the opiates we'll take
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a look at the health of our veterans later in the show. it's monday december ninth life here in the washington d.c. i'm not going lopez and you are watching r t well it was the thread that unraveled the undercover world of n.s.a. surveillance in light of the leaks by former contractor edward snowden eight major u.s. tech firms have written an open letter to president obama pushing for more restrictions on government surveillance as well as a more open internet the letter reads the balance in many countries has tipped too far in favor of the state and away from the rights of the individual rights that are in trying to our constitution this undermines the freedoms we all cherish it's time for a change a oh well apple facebook google linked in microsoft twitter and we all who signed the letter and created a website listing five areas for improvement meanwhile more revelations are out
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this week about the government agencies and what they are doing with their surveillance tools for more on that though we turn to sam sachs. this may look like your typical battle between alliance and horde members in the virtual world of warcraft but to the n.s.a. this could also be a secret terrorist gathering today pro publica reported that the n.s.a. and british spies have infiltrated online gaming platforms like world of warcraft and second life looking for terrorists that's what's outlined in an internal n.s.a. documents leaked by edward snowden that focuses on games and virtual worlds the n.s.a. notes as virtual worlds become more popular pervasive and sophisticated so to will terrorist opportunities to exploit them also games provide attractive communications channels for terrorist groups and sympathizers because in game conversations often are difficult or impossible to monitor and games can supplement
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field training by familiarising recruits with the tactics weaponry and skills needed to conduct operations you know like when terrorist exploit the use of giant evil rabbits peter singer with the brookings institute found the n.s.a.'s concerns a laughable telling pro publica games are built in operated by companies looking to make money so the players identity and activity is tracked for terror groups looking to keep their communication secret there are far more effective and easier ways to do so than putting on a troll avatar and the n.s.a. zone documents provide zero counterterror successes coming from the agency's online gaming surveillance what's but what if the n.s.a. or the f.b.i. could dig a little deeper what if they could not only track your world of warcraft tactics but also track exactly what you're doing while you're playing world of warcraft by hacking right into your computer camera as the washington post reported the f.b.i.
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has been able to covertly activated computers camera without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording for several years yet the f.b.i. can watch you. as you do whatever you do in front of your computer from playing world of warcraft. to reading the news and drinking your coffee. to watching shocking viral videos ah to well use your imagination a girl. in april of this year a judge in texas rejected an f.b.i. request to hack into a suspect computer and use their webcam to take pictures of them the judge argued the tactic was extremely intrusive and could violate the rights of others caught in front of that same camera the f.b.i. is actually borrowing a tactic used by hackers for years to spy on women through their web cams these latest revelations shed more light on the f.b.i. and n.s.a. counter terror tactics tactics that appear just as intrusive as they are absurd and
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considering previous n.s.a. documents reveal an agency struggling to deal with the problem of ingesting too much data and maybe filling repositories with the latest hoard gold count over the live images of what people are doing in front of their computers isn't the way to go in washington sam sachs r.t. so what exactly does the government have to gain from joining through the southern barons with a lot of hope for the sky chaser tribe's for the answer to that i turn to peter old ludlow professor of philosophy at northwestern university take a look. i don't think so and that's the danger of this thing is that you know i know a lot of people that role play as different you know military groups and you know some people role play as elbows and so hopefully as orcs and some of them are in their role playing as terrorists and they're you know attacking the mafia group and so forth so if they're in there looking for terrorists then you have these people
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wearing terrorist guards and running around as part of their role play you know doing. you know terrorist roleplay or whatever i mean it is kind of scary and there are some games that do in fact let you play the terrorist so obviously a lot of people play these games one of the understanding is when it comes to world of warcraft or other digital video games is that there's a lot of other people in there you can talk to them you don't always necessarily know who they are and a lot of people don't take video games very seriously in that a big deal that these games were being surveilled that all well it's a big deal in a lot of ways and one way that i think we should really be thinking about is that what it means is that they're now surveilling every single part of our lives at this point it's not just our communicating in business and so forth in international communication but it's actually the stuff we do when where role
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playing and having fun and they want to know what that about i mean virtually they want to know it's like getting burrowing into our psychology and understanding like i guess what makes it tick it's the deeper level now some of the country's biggest tech companies have sent out a letter calling for better or less invasive surveillance is the intentions of all those companies to protect the customers or to protect their own image in your opinion. oh it's definitely to protect their own image i mean i don't think there's any doubt about that it's you know one thing that. somewhat disturbing here is that in this particular case with second life the chief technology officer of second life korean drake actually went to fort meade and had a brown bag lunch with with the n.s.a. people and. i mean you know i know cory he's a friend of mine he's a great guy but this is not a smart thing to do you might say well that's just second life those are just nerds
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but i mean he's working at facebook now so the question is now that he's working at facebook as he's still doing the brown bag lunches with the people at the n.s.a. i mean that's a legitimate question that someone should be asking so are these tech companies calling for anything and specific anything that could better protect your or my digital privacy rights. i mean i haven't heard of anything that they're actually doing all i've heard so far as i'm complaining you know way it's it's almost like crocodile tears because your google and facebook did all this stuff to basically expose everything we do and gather this information and then all of a sudden they're shocked when they get into the wrong hands or when they find out that when they find out that the n.s.a. has access to it i mean i remember a little while ago when the c.e.o. of google was saying well if you are doing anything wrong you know what do you care if google is looking at it and has completely changed this to twenty five that they
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get it if they was tapping into the google stream so. i don't i haven't seen any positive proposal coming out of tac accept a lot of leg gnashing of teeth in and complaining i haven't seen a single positive proposal coming out of those guys now one interesting thing that i do want to raise a point that i want to raise is that as soon as the n.s.a. scandal broke it became pretty clear that the director of national intelligence james clapper james clapper had actually lined it to congress take a look at that. does the n.s.a. collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans. no sir. it does not. not wittingly. now these days the author of the patriot act congressman james sensenbrenner is calling for clapper to be prosecuted for lying to congress what do you think about those efforts do you think they'll actually go anywhere i don't think they're going to go
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anywhere i mean that clearly he lied clearly it was contempt of congress but people in that position get put on trial they don't you know they get a pass and he probably knew that going in and that's why people keep lying and you know there's no cost to lying to congress if you are in the. national defense industry as it were thank you so much for weighing in on all things the n.s.a. peter ludlow professor of philosophy at northwestern university. newly documents by the secret spilling organization wiki leaks revealed just how wide the division is between the twelve nations currently participating in the transpacific partnership toffs and it was memos to pick the us government pitted against eleven other nations on a number of issues from intellectual property to corporate empowerment here's a look at some of the biggest disagreements when it comes to investments only the u.s. and japan support the proposal while the rest expressed their objections to the proposal
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but the us has shown no signs of flexibility when dealing with sanitary and psycho sanitary standards the us has also reopened several disciplines of the chapter in the direction of decreasing its level of ambition this is concerning because the us is not demonstrating flexibility on financial services the positions are still paralyzed united states shows that zero flexibility on agricultural exports subsidies all t.p. countries except the us commit to eliminate them now a spokesman for the office of the u.s. trade representative said he had no idea these documents were there or where they came from and he said that there are they are older versions of the deal currently being negotiated american officials hope negotiations would be reached by the end of this year however the more information that comes out to the public the more difficult appears that these twelve nations will be able to finalize negotiations
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when it comes to this pact. well a newspaper investigation has exposed how agents with the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms used mentally disabled men to help promote their undercover sting operations before arresting them and charging them reporters for the milwaukee journal sentinel sifted through thousands of pages of court records and found numerous cases of the agency's abuse and failure in one case twenty eight year old chauncey wright was hired to hand out flyers to. mota fake store right has an i.q. in the mid fifty's which is considered extremely low agents paid right with cigarettes merchandise and money they eventually convinced him to bring them drugs and guns off the street a month later he was arrested and charged he now faces up to life in prison to see wright's relatives say that the agents knowingly took advantage of a mentally disabled man and running isn't alone there are at least four other
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instances where a.t.f. agents use mentally disabled men before arresting them now congress and the department of justice want answers to talk about some of the other findings from this investigation i was joined earlier by john diedrich he's a reporter with the milwaukee journal sentinel who has been investigating this story and i first asked him to walk us through some of the other arrests of people who assisted the a.t.f. . the way this started was we had a sting here in milwaukee the had all kinds of problems including you mentioned at the outset a mentally disabled man being used to promote the operation we've been investigating this all year and what we've found in our most recent event gauging is this was not an isolated incident at the a.t.f. it used mentally disabled people in several locations around the country to promote their storefronts and then turned around and charged them at the end now i want to go ahead and talk about some of the other discoveries in your investigation things like are losing weapons things like damaging buildings can you walk us through some
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of the ball a point that your investigation found sure at the beginning and you're referring to a walkie one of the most shocking findings in that initial investigation was that a.t.f. agents themselves lost their guns and agent had his weapons including a fully automatic rifle stolen from his car which is parked at a coffee shop that machine gun has not been recovered to date there also was and this happened in other cities as well with the buildings were damaged in the a.t.f. refused to pay for the damage afterwards ran up the utility bills overflowing toilets cause problems things of that nature in the landlord initially here in milwaukee but also. i pensacola in portland bill and how did you discover all of this was going on. twelve initial malaki operation we learned through tips from the landlord and also from law enforcement sources and
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then we just continue to investigate talking to people in the neighborhood people who have gone to the the store themselves family members and things of that nature and what e.t.f. said at the beginning we for began investigating this and what they told congress were that these were isolated incidents nothing outside of milwaukee that they could find and they stood by this technique i should just say what these techniques are is a set of fake store fronts to sell things like clothing or tattoos parlors or things of this nature but what they're really interested in is buying guns and drugs in these in these operations and so what we found is these problems proliferating across the country that it wasn't just lucky it required a lot of shoe leather in terms of looking at court records from other places and again a.t.f. does not talk about or provide a list of all these places that they do these undercover stings however they do put out press releases occasionally and we also learn from sources where
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a number of these. stings where they employ these rogue tactics occurred and as i understand it as part of your investigation you also discovered that not only did they allow felons who had guns in their possessions to leave the start they allowed to smoke marijuana they also provided alcohol as i understand it to you now do you think that your reporting could result in charges being dropped for the people that were mentally disabled who helped the a.t.f. in the end. well at this point i think that's unlikely all the people that we wrote about have already their cases already been achieved a k. did they think convicted and sentenced to prison or probation as the case may be one individual i think you mentioned at the outset the use of the mentally disabled the a.t.f. encouraged and paid for this individual and his friend a mentally disabled man and his friend to get tattoos on their necks promoting the store fronts thing what was interesting as well the judge did sentence him to
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eighteen months in prison he did order that the a.t.f. pay for the removal of that test too but at this point a lot of these cases they all hands really on this high quality surveillance video that the a.t.f. has from the store fronts so these almost never go to trial they usually lead to quick guilty pleas and convictions and in the federal system usually some substantial time even if you don't have a criminal violent criminal background is when you know these did not have a very violent background and that's really what the a.t.f. is in its stated mission is how to get the violent offenders people who are at the top of the food chain if you will in violent organizations and things of that nature in talking to a whole host of experts who looked at these cases as well they just don't see it now as you mentioned this isn't just a few isolated incidents your investigation has uncovered a number of them so is that negligence on the part of the a.t.f.
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or is there something more nefarious going on. well you know those are questions i guess others could answer at this point what i can say is that you know as you look across the country what we found is very similar tactics for instance a man in wichita was paid to ride his bike around to promote the operation this is very similar to what happened in the malaki a man named chauncey wright same thing around spike handing out flyers he was paid in cigarettes cash and merchandise the men in wichita was paid in cigarettes cash and merchandise and they broker deals gun deals and drug deals dozens and dozens more than the cement in in which he talks and in both of those cases it's very interesting because they were really used as a traditional confidential informant to set up details except because of their i.q.'s which were both in the mid fifty's they had no idea what was going on and so
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not only do they face significant federal time at the end of this they also weren't great jeopardy because everyone in the case thinks they were the informant a think that they got a deal or working for the a.t.f. and they're with the a.t.f. calls an unwitting informant but what the attorneys have said really that undercuts the whole point of knowing what you're doing and taking on the risk that comes with it one other point that you raised about gun walking in this is very significant in light of fast and furious where a.t.f. agents allowed more than two thousand guns to trap travel into traffickers hands including into mexico where individuals were killed guns were allowed to walk in this case and in some cases the a.t.f. it or a felon working for the a.t.f. as an informant somebody who knew what was. encouraged individuals to take shotguns that were not cut down to sawed off shotgun size leave the store with the shotguns go unsolved saw them down and and in one of those cases individual call back and
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ask the agent that in the hottest. i don't see the agency just did what kind of show they might use it's very interesting we know the a.t.f. has said that they are investigating it the d.o.j. so they might have an inspector general investigating this and congress has demanded answers so we'll have to see if anything actually comes of that john dietrich a reporter with the mo walker journal sentinel thank you so much they get well it's back to work for us congress on the docket today reopening the national defense authorization act something that congress has easily renewed over the past fifty years but partisan bickering has gone the better part of this bill for the past couple of months today the senate and house armed services committees took up a new version of the india a bill for twenty fourteen the deadline for a final agreement if one is to be reached by the end of this year is friday in order for the bill to be passed in time the full senate will not be able to debate the hundreds of amendments that were tacked on to the original defense bill back in
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november now one issue that held up the n.d.a. from being signed was an amendment aiming to revamp the military's sexual assault policy the proposed amendment would have restricted a commander's authority to overturn a jury conviction in cases of sexual assault and require a dishonorable discharge for those who were convicted authorizing the india is so important because it funds key provisions of the military like pay raises for employees as well as some six hundred billion dollars in defense spending without such a bill critics warn our national security could be in jeopardy. play in the aftermath of the two longest wars in american history troops are still suffering the physical and emotional scars that were left from their days overseas the department of veteran affairs estimates that twenty two veterans take their lives each day or about one every sixty five minutes a number of others deal with post-traumatic stress disorder now in order to cope
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with the physical and the mental pain. doctors oftentimes prescribe powerful pain medications to these veterans with things like oxycontin for instance but overprescription often leads to a life threatening addiction perry and boring reports prescription drug abuse and overdose has taken so many lives in america that the white house classifies it as an epidemic sadly our nation's veterans are some of the most at risk of becoming addicted to prescription drugs veterans like nick stefan a brick i got this shirts are we discharged from the marine corps in two thousand and six. and when i came home and when i started using pedals. for everything. oxycontin is an opioid prescribed to treat severe acute or chronic pain veterans hospitals are increasingly prescribing the drug to people with chronic pain who also have post-traumatic stress disorder almost worse than the type of
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medical disorders that come back from combat with immediately but mental illness can increase a person's risk of addiction so that addiction turned just snowballed and spiraled out of control. to the point where i had lost everything divina vick got so caught up in his addiction he was ultimately arrested for writing fraudulent checks to buy drugs illegally oxycontin is an opioid and addictive painkiller that resulted in over sixteen thousand deaths in two thousand and ten that number has been increasing over the past eleven years despite its highly addictive nature the number of opioid prescriptions written by the v.a. has risen by over two hundred eighty seven percent between one thousand nine hundred nine and two thousand and twelve in two thousand and twelve alone and the v.a. treated over fifty thousand veterans for issues associated with opioid use many of which were overdoses according to a study by the v.a. better ends with post-traumatic stress disorder are more than twice as likely to be
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prescribed opioids which. painkiller at the same time opioids can have a talk sic reactions to other common p.t.s.d. medications but is it safe to give opioids to people who have p.t.s.d. i asked produce pharma the leading producer of oxy cotton about this and they told me opioid anneli jacks are an important part of treating veterans who suffer from chronic pain there used to be closely monitored at all times especially in combination with other medications but purdue has a history of misleading the public in two thousand and seven the company guilty to criminal charges of misbranding the product as less addictive than what it really was and misleading doctors patient and regulators about the risk of the product yet the v.a. continues to prescribe the drug which has produced pharmacy cash cow the painkiller accounts for eighty percent of their total revenues oxycontin sales increased three hundred percent between two thousand and one and two thousand and eleven purdue has sold over twenty seven billion dollars worth of this drug since one thousand nine
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hundred six that's more than the entire gross domestic product of north korea and jamaica combined we all know we can't deny they're making a ton of money off of us judy's would tell us is a veterans treatment court judge in michigan we're looking at traumatically increasing rates and that's so different for our veterans she believes the criminal justice system can be successful at treating prescription drug addictions divonne addict and himself and a veterans treatment court program after his arrest he was court ordered to report to a judge and attend treatment sessions for a year he says the program saved his life but to get into the program a person first has to get arrested the larger policy question is how the v.a. can avoid contributing to the addiction problem in the first place the. rate of recovery from opiate dependence is less than one percent typically so it's even much less it's highly addictive the total financial cost of the iraq and
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afghanistan wars are estimated to be between four and sixty. brillion dollars however we can put a price tag on the over six thousand casualties from these wars sadly many veterans that do make it home find themselves fighting another battle over prescription drugs washington d.c. area and boring argy judges in a d.c. federal appeals court question the need for genital searches of guantanamo bay detainees who want to exit the facility to meet with their lawyers lawyers for the men currently being held so the searches began after the can't staff move the conference location to a building outside of the tension facility they allege it was meant to discourage these men from meeting with their lawyers now attorney david remes told r t back in may the general searches started right after the mass hunger strike in the facility began he says it was a way to punish the prisoners for starving themselves here's david remes talking about how invasive these searches are. i think that this would be
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a junction of bull from a westerner standpoint outrageous for about a western of standpoint but for devout muslim men i think it is the. one of the worst forms of humiliation there could be and for that reason if they don't want to leave their camp because of the searches they end up not being able to meet their lawyers not being able to have telephones with their telephone calls with their lawyers not being able to have telephone calls with their families during the trial this afternoon u.s. department of justice lawyers argue that the searches were introduced to combat security concerns after detainees were discovered with contraband and after one of them committed suicide in two thousand and twelve after hording medications the government attorneys say their concern that the did that the detainees could pick up things like nails on the ground and those things could be used as weapons while outside of their residence is the justice department says that the judges don't
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have jurisdiction to hear the case because it centers on issues of confinement lawyers for the detainees instead argue that they need to protect the rights of their clients and their access to counsel today government lawyers compared the practice to a t.s.a. search at the airport and said quote it's not as bad as it sounds we'll have to see if the appeals court agrees. well the senate is slated to vote on a bill today that would ban a plastic guns for another decade that's locked and loaded debate has pitted changing three d. printer technologies against national security sensor plastic guns are undetectible by a metal detectors and x. ray machines the ban was set to expire on tuesday but looks like it will be renewed the prohibition of plastic guns began during the reagan administration and has been renewed every decade since now. each time the band has been supported by both
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republicans as well as the national rifle association some senate democrats led by chuck schumer were working on an extended bill to take anti plastic gun legislation one step further or by forcing all guns with plastic components to have detachable metal parts but republicans and the n.r.a. are against such legislation now this issue of plastic guns is perhaps the least contentious when it comes to the gun debate currently going on in this country where quickly approaching the one year anniversary of the newtown shootings and the cries for gun control are growing louder tune into our t.v. this friday december thirteenth for our special coverage of the issue of gun control in this country this abate it will be unlike anything you've ever seen covered and we are going to talk about it with about this issue with gun experts on both sides so and we're also going to speak with people who have been personally affected by gun violence so tune in december thirteenth from five to six pm for
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that special coverage but that does it for me i'll see you right back here at eight pm. and a society that i think corporation trying to. do. and say. all the money and the daschle six politicians write the laws are. just too.
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hello and welcome to crossfire were all things considered i'm peter lavelle palestine and the road ahead washington so-called peace process to resolve the israel palestine conflict has produced little if any results in fact the palestinians are experiencing excel aerated illegal land seizures palestine is quickly being wiped off the map is it time to accept a one state solution and or look to global institutions like the un to replace the current negotiating framework. cross-talk the palestine israel conflict i'm joined by my guest soraya support ehrlich in irvine she is an independent researcher and writer and in new york we cross to norman finkelstein he is a political analyst and author of cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i very much encourage it and norman you've been
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a great scholar of the so-called peace process of the last twenty years coming to the studio today i noticed that the u.s. secretary of state has gone to the middle east to kick start talks well i could have read that headline almost any month of the last twenty years so norman isn't it time to start a new format because it ain't going nowhere i don't quite agree with peter we have to be careful about what's happening now because i do think it is going somewhere but not the place where justice would more to go right now secretary of state kerry president obama and various other parties to the conflict seem pretty optimistic that they can ram down the road to the. students is really tired supplement of the conflict but the palestinians have never been weaker. hamas is now. the power so-called power student in authority is totally dependent upon the
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united states and europe to stay alive to support it economically the palestinians are in a very difficult situation probably they have never been weaker and now the united states along with the e.u. incidentally united states and the e.u. think there is a historic opportunity to resolve the conflict resulted in such a way that the palestinians are left with virtually nothing ok saran so what kind of agreement is that how can you have an agreement like that with no justice. i honestly don't believe this talks are going anywhere and i don't think they're intended to go anywhere it's just lip service if you look as mr obama's speech in two thousand and eleven where he actually mentioned the nine hundred sixty seven borders with some swaps it was intended for the palestinians not to ask for recognition at the united nations and after that mr netanyahu came to the united
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states and i'm sure you viewers would know that congress has far more powers or is the most powerful branch of the u.s. government he came and here dressed the united states congress in fourteen men as he got twenty nine standing ovations in which he categorically refuse to recognize those boundaries and i think it's very important to understand that there's long as there is an alley it that means that every jewish person from anywhere in the vault can go and live in israel then israel is to continue to expand and is doing so at the expense of the palestinians with american money so no i am for the peace talks i think norman of would certainly know the reputation of martin in. dick he worked for a pac then he started washington institute for near east policy to give a clear image to the pro israel. doctrine here in the space act he
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is not a person that would be suitable for negotiating peace talks if peace talks are to take place and certainly not somebody as biased and as pro israel is. ok norman you know what i saw you on democracy now with mr martin and he wasn't very pleased to see you i remember. can you report react to what's what we just heard in irvine because i mean when you look at something somebody like martin indyk i have to keep being reminded is he negotiating with the americans or actually negotiating for the israelis because it's hard to tell. well i think that one have to look at what the rhetorical position of people like prime minister netanyahu netanyahu is and what their actual position is if you look at the negotiations that took place in annapolis in two thousand and eight it was quite clear what the israeli position was in a word or in a nutshell what israel wants is approximately ten percent of the west bank the area
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behind the wall that it's been building taking in the major settlement blocks that israel wants a nullification of the palestinian right of return basically an international solution of the refugee question which doesn't allow palestinians to return to what is now the state of israel those are israel's two key demands and the opinion of the united states and israel is and also as i have to say always the european union the position now is let's resolve the conflict according to the israeli terms that is not ten yahoo make a grand show where he's withdrawing from ninety percent of the west bank to the ten percent behind the wall and in exchange for this grand concession by the israelis the palestinians are going to have to give up the right of return that's basically
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how the theater the drama is going to play itself out and if you look at yesterday's for example reports yesterday in the israeli press the e.u. made a statement it said to israel and the power authority you better get serious about negotiations now because if you don't resolve the conflict we're going to cease subsidizing the projects no bus bank so basically the e.u. is now colluding collaborating with the us. turning the screws on the publicist in the ins that incidentally is the purpose behind the current murderous blockade of gaza to break the will of the people of gaza so they repudiate hamas the palestinian authority will then claim to speak for all the palestinians and the palestinian authority will then because he really has no choice concede to the u.s.
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israeli demands which the e.u. is going along with ok but so ryan it's very interesting what norman has to say going back to annapolis but i don't see mr netanyahu he's not there's not enough pressure on him to change course as a matter of fact if you look at israeli media very close closely and i know norman looks at i mean if the israelis see that they have a whole lot of cards here ok maybe netanyahu and obama don't get along very well but netanyahu does have the congress ok and you know we i don't see a lot of sticks coming out from apac i mean you know iran is one issue but you know when you look at the palestinian israel conflict congress is really very close to netanyahu is positioning and i don't see anything changing in ok the european union will drop funding that's not going to change this the israeli position not one iota i bet oh are you going to let me go to iraq the early or are they going to have been threatening on the go ahead. europeans talk about this
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a great deal and even as for mr obama's position peter when he was running for office in two thousand and eight he promised an undivided jerusalem to israel as its capital and even president bush has not said anything so outrageous and mr obama keeps all his administration they keep increasing aid to israel it's not as if you know they're playing good cop bad cop but it depends how seriously you take obama. you know not long ago to three years ago the state department even assigned some money to middle east memory middle east media its research institute which was founded by an israeli army the idea and it was to pinpoint anti-semitism i mean the israeli is the positions of so backed by the united states and the e.u. is the greatest partner trading partner if things are not going to change until
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there is awareness amongst the people around the world in america people are simply too ignorant they have been brainwashed they have freedom of speech but they don't have freedom of thought all the information they have about what's going on in palestine and with the israelis is what the media tells them and the media is squarely in the pockets of the neo cons the think tanks run issues and even the universities there is no freedom to discuss the issue of israel and palestine but most importantly we keep thinking about seeing a pact to seems that it's just a muscle it's the soldier all the same tanks the the anti-defamation league hudson washington is to new policies stop on center these are the people doubt that actually turn out these policies and implemented and as as as you said i mean mr obama will be gone the president next. can easily overrule what ever he implements so the important thing is to have congress deal with this situation and
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congress is reluctant congress takes his orders from israel it does not serve the american people and to me this is treason this is betrayal and yes they managed to get away with it chuck schumer of new york senator of new york stars up and says i'm the guardian of israel instead of just that he got up and telling the american people that he is there to serve them he says this is the show more of israel at the guardian and many other such senators and congressional members ok they tell me let me live normal and i want to. know more than you want to react to some of that . well peter i'm going to quote someone who i know you don't like so much name me namely vladimir lenin. and one said that the essence of politics lenin once said the essence of politics is the concrete analysis of a concrete situation ok and i think the important thing now because we're heading
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towards a historic turning point and we have to be very careful about what's happening we have to be concerned about what's happening we have to concrete concretely analyze this concrete situation the fact of the matter is secretary of state kerry is nobody's fool he would not invest so much time and so much energy in resolving the conflict unless he thought there was a realistic possibility that it can be resolved the last thing kerry wants now norman norman i'm going to let you can you help enormously not to go to a short break i'll let you can genuinely return after a short break we'll continue our discussion on the palestine israel conflict state money. lead.
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the piece of legislation was a terrible mistake now i'm very sorry to take on to let once again a little longer there's a lot that never had sex with others make their lives let alone was. just so. listen the i'm . melissa block.
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think. everybody going to go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crafts to mco we've been hijacked by handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once i'm tom mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identify the problem try rational debate real discussion critical issues facing to find her ready to join the movement then walk
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to. the place we. welcome back to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the palestine israel conflict. ok norman i come back to you in new york let me i want you to react to something a lot of people tell me that study this conflict they say that if israel stops its colonizing settlement agenda in the west bank and further it risks the very nature the very existence of israel because it must continue down
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this path because it's become its own true identity. no i don't really think or you know there is this tendency to look at countries in terms of this notion of original sin that is to say israel was born in sin and therefore have to live in sin and therefore there is no possibility of it changing any state has within the possibilities of change i lived in the united states through the civil rights era when i was growing up in the earth in the one nine hundred fifty s. black people were still being lynched in the american south i lived through a transformation transformation such that the president of the united states is now african-american if you look at the first half of the twentieth century without trying to excuse any of the other great powers i think it's fair to say that the most motorist and racist powers on earth in the first half of the twentieth century
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were germany and japan but if you look at b.b.c. world service pows from the last twenty years when the countries around the world when the public opinion around the world is asked the question which countries in the world have the most positive the most favorable impact on international relations if you look at these b.b.c. pose believe there are no every year germany is number one and japan is number two or japan is number one and germany is number two countries can change ok but it's no mention or many of my years here in the army but if i use your logic then if i use your logic then israel must be invaded and conquered in occupied like germany and like japan to change its behavior that's the logic. well not exactly peter because i began with the example of the american south and
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you can also take the example of south africa and those two. instances where that required was a mass popular nonviolent movement supported by international public opinion those were the key ingredients that be a mass popular nonviolent movement with a large amount of international support and i think the same formula that worked in the american south and worked in south africa i think that formula can also work to end the israeli occupation ok so if i go back to you to irvine a i have to i will agree with norman that countries can change their countries can change for the worse look at the i think the better ones would probably agree with that i think you know africa africans that are all so ended up in israel somehow we probably agree that things are changing for the worse because each government gets more and more right wing and more and more racist what use can you hear on israeli
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television in each would be is for begging on american television because some officials are so blatantly racist. i'm duster and i and again i do agree is normal also that countries can change but they can only change if there is a will to change israel does not have this will if you look at the popularity of mr netanyahu in israel his popularity is an all time high after he basically doesn't mr obama about the you know two state solution and norm himself has was kind enough to pass the due to video of israelis are using children young children teaching them hatred discrimination and the law to kill arabs lebanese gazans so there is no wills or to change out america's encouraging this by allowing it to happen by overriding every single un security council resolution if you go to the
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jewish virtual library they they gladly and proudly mention how many times the u.s. has vetoed un security council resolutions there can be no change when there's no will and one of the most important factors is israel has a need to expand it because it wants to embrace more and more people at the moment you know we were talking talks may go somewhere but the children of gaza the people of gaza are walking in sewage to go to school if there's a school to be found because there's no fuel why is there no fuel in one thousand nine hundred nine there was no massive amounts of gas in gaza british gas was going to explore israel put a stop to it sharon said i will never buy gas from gaza they want to own it they want to own the water in the region because thus if you expand and you have land people need water you make import fuel but you can't do it with water so they wanted to get water from turkey and in order to do that iraq and syria has to be
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eliminated so there's no stop to this and their own as you say you hear things on israeli television you don't hear in america and america sanitizes. everything the american people continue to hear from their officials that israel is our democratic ally in the region a boat that is so falls it is not an ally is costing americans so much money is bankrupted america fiscally morally and politically and it's not an ally it's it's it's just destroying the countries around it and it's destroyed america's standing in the world and the people of america need to be informed peter nobody is talking about what's happening in gaza or in the west bank what israel is doing we're talking about all other things here in america there is the deliberate attempt to keep the people ignorant god forbid the americans should stand up and say i don't want my money to go to people who are committing heinous crimes borderline genocide and i can't eat here i'm hopeless but i'm contributing not only to the people of
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israel that are there at the moment but anybody who wishes to calm weather is from africa whether it's from asia they can everybody can go there and my tax dollars will fund them this is what americans don't know it's about time that the other media started concentrating on this but then of course the media here as well we know who the ownerships are normally you know convince me that netanyahu is going to. china. try to convince me. peter i think there is a misunderstanding here and i'm doing my best to try to clarify number one just let me get back to the point that was just made ok of course i agree that israel unless it's forced to won't change the african-american. frederick douglass he famously said power never concedes anything without a demand never has it never will so of course pressure has to be applied to israel
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in order to get it. to act in accordance with international law i have no doubt about that that's why i said it has to be a mass movement from below there has to be nonviolent and there has to be a lot of international popular public opinion support to get israel to budge so on that point there is no disagreement between any of us now on the question of not in yahoo you have to remember that israel if there were an academy award for best dramatic performance by a country israel would win every year it's real it is a theater and not to know who of course not to know who is the star of the theater so i said a few moments ago that we have to distinguish between israel's rhetorical position and its actual position now simply livni who was the foreign minister in two
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thousand and eight she's repeatedly said that the wall israel is building the wall is our final border israel wants about ten percent of the west bank which includes some of the most arab will lend it includes the critical border resources it includes east jerusalem and very sickly it tries sext the west bank leaving the palestinians a bad. so effectively they want ten percent of the west bank but not ten yahoo star of the show he pretends that israel wants all of the west bank and then during the go here is the claim will be that israel is making a heart wrenching concession as it gives up ninety percent of the us bank but by giving up ninety percent of the west bank is will then get to keep all it
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really once exactly as sippy livni keep saying the wall is our final border israel wouldn't be investing billions and billions of dollars into building this wall if it wanted territory beyond the wall ok if i go back to irvine you know i mean i say i had a hard time doing if not if go ahead go ahead ahead go. jumping i'm sorry it's not just the wall and the west bank and gaza they're in lebanon now or syria actually because it's syria golan's there are they're drilling gaster they're taking somebody else's gas and oil they're not content i mean it's it would be enormous far too bright and far too well informed to be naive enough to take the words of an israeli leader when it comes to their expansion and their expansionist policies
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they are never content they are always asking for more and it's is and this for some bizarre will not for some bizarre reason the united states always gives in to them it's become this they've become like the monster of frankenstein i mean the united states made israel to what it is today with all that support and now it is into a the monster of the turns around to dr frankenstein and says obey me and america's obeying and nothing will change unless the mentality yes i'm one hundred percent of with with norm that we need grassroots movement but there will be no grassroots movement when people are ignored when people are misinformed deliberately this is censorship once exist censorship is is just coming out news but it's misinformation as well and americans are not being a chance given a chance to learn what's going on normally even in universities you know this you cannot discuss israel in universal right i'm not alone that's very critical ari
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we've run out of time many thanks my guess and in new york and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.g.p. next time remember crosstalk will. leave with you. i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. if they were it's story. but
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if this guy like you would smear that guy in stead of working for the people all titians in the mainstream media are working for each other bribes vision a lot. of it. i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. i just knew that everything would be fine for some reason they were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back how could he not come back because the mere thought of it never crossed her mind. when the militants decided to try and break through to her and you get near screaming grenade. go go forward they explode and blow them
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all round his back he will. lose it all and it was all over all. we know that are called the rats on our commander and won't leave us no matter how tough it gets we're a team. there who are both just getting was a senior in his military trio. you know he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with his body more if it's comrades would die he gave his own life to save us friends. wealthy british style sun. sometimes. things go right on out of. their. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports on our. what's up everyone i'm abby martin and this is breaking this that guys help and worry about the kind of literature children are leading in this country looks like cat and i have a very hungry caterpillar are so outdated i mean those are so two thousand and late which is why today i'm very excited about the release of ted cruz's brand new children's book this richest oracle narrative not only outlines his rise of the senate but it teaches america's children how to take their country back cruise style it's called ted cruz to the future but you're probably called ted cruz of the past because that's where this book is taking our kids one of the themes is the importance of religion when it comes to politics.


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